7th Forum Plastic Recyclates - sponsoring opportunities

You would like to support the Forum Plastic Recyclates?


You would like to present your company, your products and services to the panel of experts at the forum?


We have put together various packages to make this possible.
Don't miss out on this opportunity to showcase your company at our trade forum!

EXHIBIT Sponsoring

  • 1 additional conference ticket
  • 1 additional dinner-participation
  • 2 days exhibition space (1 table in the coffee break area)
  • 1 exclusive participation in the #LBFDeepDive plastic recyclates
    the day before the conference
  • Placement of the company logo on the event website

3,000.00 Euro + VAT

BASIC Sponsoring

  • 1 additional conference ticket
  • 1 additional dinner-participation
  • Placement of the company logo on the event website
  • Placement of the company logo on the program
  • Your advertising material in the participant welcome package

1,900.00 Euro + VAT

SMART Sponsoring

  • Placement of the company logo on the event website
  • Placement of the company logo on the program
  • Your advertising material in the participant welcome package

900.00 Euro + VAT